Broccoli, Cauliflower Cheddar Quesadilla or Clean Out Your Fridge Quesadilla



” You could call this “Clean Out Your Fridge Quesadilla”, if you’d like.”

You can take leftovers like last night steamed vegetables, rice that’s cooked, lean marinated chicken, and combine them together along with beans like pinto beans and you end up with a really awesome quesadilla.

Garnish with colorful delicious things like tomatoes, cilantro, onion, and any variety of cheeses from cheddar to Monterey Jack or cojita- the sky’s the limit with possibilities .”

Transform your sad and lonely leftovers that are just sitting there looking lonely in your overstocked fridge into a Quesadilla today!

You and your fridge will be happy!

medium size flour tortillas

Canola oil

Sharp cheddar cheese or monterey jack

One cup of any of the following:
Cooked vegetables, cooked chicken rotisserie chicken cut up, cooked steak , cooked pork loin.

Garnishes: tomatoes, olives, purple onions, roasted garlic, pinto beans, Cotija cheese.


COOL, huh?
Share your flavor combinations in the comment box.

Paulette Motzko
April 8th, 2016

“You didn’t eat those vegetables on your plate when they were next to the meatloaf, but watch your taste buds light up when you make a quesadilla out of them and add little sprinkle of cheese on them!”

“Much like rice, which is a also a good thing to use up leftovers with: cooked chicken or pork, lean meat and vegetables are all awesome things to create a fantastic rice casserole out of.”

You can make a quesadilla with flour tortillas in a non-stick skillet brushed with a little canola oil with a pastry brush or spray with canola oil spray.

If you use if you do what I do which is not pour oil right into the pan but rather brush it into the pan by putting a pastry brush in a thing that’s made to hold spoons that you get at Target or Walmart or any kind of home good store. It works great so you can brush it on your pans when cooking.

You’ll cut a ton of oil out of your diet.

Some non stick cooking sprays burn even they say they don’t. Some burn at medium heat or start smoking the kitchen up, which I don’t like.

Some of them like Pam tastes horrible. Sorry Pam, but the last time I used it, a few years ago, PAM tasted horrible. The butter-flavored was ghastly and tasted like really bad popcorn that went rancid.
I’m entitled to my opinion. Trader Joe’s makes them better really good that don’t have the propellant in them and are more natural and you’ll able to read the ingredients. Whole Foods Market is another good choice to find high quality non stick sprays.

Or you can very simply just take a pastry brush but you can only use for cooking things in just a little bit of oil on it.

Your food will still brown but you just won’t have an excess of oil.

You’ll still get the browning effect, and your flour tortilla will be crisp. It will be way better for you and still is good the best of the Two Worlds combined together.”

You can serve your quesadilla with guacamole or Pico DE Gallo.

Photography by Paulette Motzko, PLM Studios
Copyright April 2016